Friday, April 27, 2007

A Favorite Prayer

This is a prayer from the Franciscan tradition.
The only name I have for it is The Absorbeat

May The Power Of Your Love, Oh Lord,
Fiery & Sweet As Honey,
Wean My Heart From Everything Under Heaven,
So That I May Die For Love Of Your Love,
You Who Were So Good As To Die For Love Of My Love.

All High & Glorious God,
Enlighten My Heart.
Give Me A Right Faith,
A Sure Hope,
A Perfect Charity,
A Profound Humility,
The Will & Intelligence to Know & Fulfill Your Holy Will.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

New At This!

Ave Maria!

This is foreign territory for me - we'll see how it goes. Hopefully this blog will in some small way contribute to the 'material worth reading' segment of the internet, or in the least, not be something you must avoid. The internet reminds me of the old 'frogger' game, where the object was to avoid the cars and alligators long enough to make it to the otherside of the street or stream. If we populate that stream with 'havens' (the logs in the game), perhaps we can make it safer and more productive for those using the internet. Inspired by the good Franciscans of the Immaculate, and their most excellent website: , I decided to give this b-log thing a try.

Of course, all content here is my opinon and responsibility - I speak only for myself. Anything worth reading has been inspired by someone else, and anything incorrect or uninspiring should be attributed to my own lack of knowledge or ability.
We can act to better this world for Jesus Christ, or we can standby and watch. This blog is, in a very minor way, a part of my 'action' - though hopefully not the sum of that action. More important than this blog (or dare I say, any blog) is prayer : prayer for our Holy Father, our Bishops, Priests and religious.

A group (including myself) making a retreat was asked - "When is the last time you prayed for your parish priest, or made sacrifices for them?" I could not answer. No surprise then that satan has gained in-roads into the lives of our Shepherds (and our lives as well) - he will always attack the Shepherds first - then the sheep will scatter. Using the same analogy then, we sheep should be sticking our little mutton-legs out to trip anyone messing with our Shepherds.
So this first post, if it has a point, is to renew my own resolve to Pray for those leading The Church, and ask anyone reading this to do the same.

Ave Maria!